phone: (540)338-0194

Crystal Reports Training (Individual)

Do any of these apply to you? 
"I went through the first book of
exercises last week.  All quite
self-explanatory.  Thanks!"
S.H. Bridgehampton, NY

You want to start learning Crystal Reports right away.
You aren't near a public class.
You can't take 2 days off for a regular class.
You want to focus on specific topics
You want to work with a specific database.
You want to learn Crystal Reports from a recognized expert.

Then individual training is the way to go!

Training time charged at $180 per hour, billed in 15 minute increments:
  • Course materials (with exercises) are free downloads, as are the Study notes.
  • Feel free to mix self-study with one-on-one lesson time, as needed.
  • We can cover of topics from either the Intro or Advanced course materials.
  • Or, have explain the process of creating a specific report (planning, development and testing)
Payment options:

a) Pay by check made payable to:  
    Ken Hamady, LLC
    525K East Market St.
    PMB #299
    Leesburg, VA 20176

b) Prepay by Credit Card 
(prepaid time is good for 3 years but is not refundable, see FAQ #4)

c) Have someone with spending authority at your company Email me the following authorization:
I am authorized by <company> to engage you for up to  <number> hours at $180 per hour starting on <date>.
The time will be spent at the discretion of  <list of people authorized to call Ken>.
We understand that you will Email us invoices for time used at the middle and/or end of each month.
<company> agrees to pay all invoice(s) within 30 days.