Topic |
Location |
Accumulate numbers |
Accumulate numbers |
Accumulate strings |
Accumulating values once per group: |
Adding columns to cross-tabs |
Adding group levels with a parameter (group cloaking) |
Adding parameters (v11-12) |
Adding parameters (v8-10) |
Adding rows to cross-tabs |
Adding rules to group selection formula |
Adding subreports |
Adding summary fields |
Adding together the distinct counts of several groups for a grand |
total |
Adding together the distinct counts of several groups for a grand |
total |
Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time |
After the hump |
Alerts, creating |
Alerts, delete |
Alerts, disable |
Alerts, edit |
Alerts, using parameters |
Alerts, viewing |
Aliases in SQL expressions |
Alignment (numbers that won’t align to the right) |
ALL as an option for parameters |
All option for parameters (v11-12) |
All option for parameters (v8-10) |
Allow multiple values (parameters) (v11-12) |
Allow multiple values (parameters) (v8-10) |
Amount fields, running through a 'feeder' formula |
Annually condition |
Appending strings |
Array variables |
Array variables and summary functions |
Array variables, finding the median |
Ascending or descending order based on a parameter |
Assign range variables |
Assignment operator |
Auto linking |
Auto sizing a dotted line between two columns (like a TOC or |
index) |
Automatic running totals |
Average function |
Background color, highlight alternate rows in a cross-tab |
Background colors that fade gradually down the page |
Backward moving values (wormhole) |
Before the hump |
Beginning of the week |
Between |
Bill of Materials (BOM), how to create |
Blank pages (at end of report) |
Blank report ("no records found" message) |
BMP files (read at runtime) |
BOM (Bill of Materials), how to create |
Boolean |
Boolean comparisons |
Boolean operators |
Topic |
Location |
Boolean operators |
Boolean tricks |
Boolean values |
BottomN (group sort) |
BottomN, show both TopN and BottomN |
Box that grows based on a condition |
Breaks (column) |
Breaks (page) after a specified number of rows |
Browsing and pasting literal values |
Calculated Member |
Calculated member, cross-tabs |
Calculations using parameters (v11-12) |
Calculations using parameters (v8-10) |
Calculations using summary functions |
Can grow (when using "keep object together") |
can't total a formula |
Carving a memo field into smaller pieces |
Cascading parameter, 3-level that duplicates/drops values (v11 or |
later) |
Cascading parameters (v11-12) |
Cascading parameters, when two fields have the same name (v11 or |
later) |
Case statements |
Cases (beginning/opened/closed/ending cases) |
Centering a cross-tab automatically (v11 or later) |
Change database field, by parameter |
Change join type, by parameter |
Change tables, by parameter |
Changing a summary field |
Character functions |
Character operators |
Chart lines, prevent from dropping to zero at the end when there is |
no data |
Charts (missing bar) |
Charts (missing bar) |
Charts based on Cross-Tabs |
Charts, copying objects within a report |
Charts, using a parameter value in a pie or bar chart |
Checkmarks and other symbols (from formulas) |
Clarion, "Group By" in SQL kills performance |
Closed cases during period |
Closing balance |
Colors, section colors fading gradually down the page |
Column breaks in a multi-column report |
Columns, adding to cross-tabs |
Combination of criteria |
Command objects, an overview |
Command objects, parameters |
Command, used in dynamic parameters |
Commands for dynamic parameters (v11-12) |
Commands, filtering on outer joins |
Commands, multi-value parameters |
Commands, preventing inflation (GROUP BY) |
Commands, sorting in the repository |
Commands, union queries |
Commands, when using commands can slow things down |
Comment marks |
Comparison types, joins |
concatenate operator |
Concatenate, in SQL syntax |
Topic |
Location |
CondField |
Condition field |
Condition, makes a line or box grow |
Conditional formatting |
Conditional formatting, within cross-tabs |
Conditional suppress, vertical lines |
Conditional totals |
Conditional totals in manual cross-tabs |
Conditional totals, advantages over running totals |
Conditional totals, creating |
Conditionally suppress Details and still allow for drill-down |
Conditions |
Conditions |
Annually |
Daily |
Monthly |
Quarterly |
Weekly |
Conditions in running total fields |
Consecutive numbers/dates (finding gaps) |
Continued from previous page |
Continued on next page |
Continued on next page |
Converting a decimal to an equivalent fraction |
Copying objects to another report |
Copying objects within a report |
Count function |
Count, in cross-tabs |
Creating alerts |
Creating summary fields |
Creating the SQL command |
Criteria (select group when one record meets the criteria) |
Criteria (select group when one record meets the criteria) |
Criteria (groups that are missing a specific type of record) |
Criteria (groups that are missing a specific type of record) |
Criteria within totals |
Cross-tabs, adding rows and columns |
Cross-tabs, calculated member |
Cross-tabs, center a cross-tab automatically (v11 or later) |
Cross-tabs, conditional formatting |
Cross-tabs, copying objects within a report |
Cross-tabs, customize style |
Cross-tabs, customizing the group name |
Cross-tabs, date grouping |
Cross-tabs, display string |
Cross-tabs, effects of group sorting (TopN) |
Cross-tabs, effects of sorting and grouping |
Cross-tabs, effects of the select expert |
Cross-tabs, embedding a field into the “total” text |
Cross-tabs, embedding a field into the “total” text |
Cross-tabs, for running totals |
Cross-tabs, for running totals |
Cross-tabs, group level |
Cross-tabs, group sorting (TopN) |
Cross-tabs, highlight alternate rows |
Cross-tabs, horizontal pages |
Cross-tabs, how to make a subreport show a wide cross-tab |
Cross-tabs, labels for each row |
Cross-tabs, labels for each row |
Cross-tabs, missing row or column |
Cross-tabs, missing row or column |
Topic |
Location |
Cross-tabs, modifying |
Cross-tabs, multiple |
Cross-tabs, overview |
Cross-tabs, page numbers |
Cross-tabs, page numbers |
Cross-tabs, percentages |
Cross-tabs, pivoting |
Cross-tabs, relative calculations |
Cross-tabs, report level |
Cross-tabs, rolling months |
Cross-tabs, rolling months (manual) |
Cross-tabs, show totals as formatted time ( 03:25 ) |
Cross-tabs, special features |
Cross-tabs, specified order grouping |
Cross-tabs, the basis for charts |
Cross-tabs, using formula fields |
Cross-tabs, virtual pages (adding titles) |
Cross-tabs, virtual pages (adding titles) |
Crystal SQL designer (v8.5 and prior) |
CurrentColumnIndex |
CurrentColumnIndex |
CurrentColumnIndex |
CurrentDate |
CurrentRowIndex |
CurrentRowIndex |
CurrentSummaryIndex |
CurrentSummaryIndex |
CurrentSummaryIndex |
Customize style tab, cross-tabs |
Daily condition |
Date |
Date fields, running through a 'feeder' formula |
Date formulas |
Date functions |
Date grouping, cross-tabs |
Date operators |
Date parameters with DateTime fields |
Date parameters with DateTime fields |
Date range (fiscal quarters) |
Date range (fiscal year to date) |
Date range (fiscal year) |
Date range (how many Mondays or any day) |
Date range calculations |
Date range parameters (v11-12) |
Date range parameters (v8-10) |
Date ranges |
Date tricks |
DateAdd |
DateDiff |
Dates, (selecting pairs of records within 3 days of each other) |
Dates, adjusting for Daylight Saving Time |
Dates, rolling months using a cross-tab |
Dates, rolling months using a manual cross-tab |
Day |
Day |
Day of week (finding the first in the month) |
Day of week (finding the last in the month) |
Daylight Saving Time adjustment |
DayOfWeek |
DayOfWeek |
Topic |
Location |
Decimal values converted to an equivalent fraction |
Decimals, in cross-tabs |
Declare a variable |
Default values, parameters (v11-12) |
Default values, parameters (v8-10) |
Deleting an alert |
Deleting group levels with a parameter (group cloaking) |
Descriptions, show chosen parameter values with their descriptions |
Design area (making it wider) |
Design screen (shifting the view) |
Details (at least on with Group Header/Footer) |
Disabling an alert |
Disabling drill-down for an entire section |
Display only duplicate records |
Display String, in cross-tabs |
Displaying a variable |
Displaying array variables |
Displaying range variables |
Distinct sum |
Distinct, selecting in SQL |
DistinctCount function |
DistinctCount of an if-then-else formula (off by one) |
DistinctCount of an if-then-else formula (off by one) |
DistinctCount, in cross-tabs |
DistinctCounts of groups, how to get a grand total |
DistinctCounts of groups, how to get a grand total |
Divide by zero error (how to prevent) |
Do loop |
Dotted line, auto sizing a dotted line between two columns (like a |
TOC or index) |
Dragging on object past the edge of the design screen |
Drill-down (disable for an entire section) |
Drill-down (on conditionally suppressed Details) |
Drill-down (suppress section/change properties) |
Drill-down, different drill-downs from one row of the report |
DrillDownGroupLevel |
DrillDownGroupLevel |
DSN, selecting an ODBC connection at runtime |
Duplicate mailing labels (getting one label per group) |
Duplicate records or labels, how to generate |
Duplicate records, how to select or display |
Duplicate values in a sum (non-consecutive) |
Duplicates, totals that count duplicates once |
Duplication of records (table inflation) |
Dynamic parameters (cascading) 3-level that duplicates/drops |
values (v11 or later) |
Dynamic parameters (cascading) when two fields have the same |
name (v11 or later) |
Dynamic parameters (v11-12) |
Dynamic parameters using SQL commands (v11-12) |
Dynamic parameters, limitations |
Dynamic parameters, using commands |
Edit alerts |
Edit calculation formula |
Edit header formula |
Edit header formula |
Edit insertion formula |
Edit insertion formula |
Edit mask, parameters |
Edit mask, parameters |
Topic |
Location |
Editable parameters |
Editing a formula |
Editing a SQL command |
Editing a summary field |
Editing subreports |
Eliminating duplicate mailing labels (one label per group) |
Else |
Else Null |
Enforcing joins (v10 and later) |
Enforcing Joins (v10 and later) |
Evaluate setting in running total fields |
Evaluation time |
Excel exports, eliminating extra rows and columns in (v9 or later) |
Excel spreadsheets, how to read with Crystal Reports |
Expanding the design area in Crystal Reports |
Expiration date for a report |
Exports, doing a fixed length text export (v9 or later) |
Exports, eliminating extra rows and columns in Excel exports (v9 or |
later) |
External BMP (read at runtime) |
Extra columns in Excel exports (v9 or later) |
Extra pages at the end of the report |
Extra rows in Excel exports (v9 or later) |
Fading colors, background colors that fade gradually down the page |
Feeder formulas (for dates and amounts) |
Feeder formulas (for parameters) |
File name (print without the path) |
Filling in missing values |
Filling in missing values |
Filter by parameter (v11-12) |
Filter by parameter (v8-10) |
Filtering on an outer join, in commands |
Filtering outer joins in the FROM clause |
Filtering using a summary field |
Filters (only the most recent record in a group) |
Find where a parameter (or formula) is being used in a report |
Find where a parameter (or formula) is being used in a report |
Finding gaps in a sequence of numbers or dates |
Finding or listing the subreports in a report |
Finding subreports in a report |
Finding unmatched records between tables (in table A but not in |
table B) |
Finding where a formula is being used in a report |
Finding where a formula is being used in a report |
Finding where a parameter is being used in a report |
Finding where a parameter is being used in a report |
First day of the month |
First day of the month |
First Monday in the month |
Fiscal quarters |
Fiscal year |
Fiscal year |
Fiscal year to date |
Fixed length text exports (v9 or later) |
Flat file exports, doing a fixed length text export (v9 or later) |
Font properties, change within the text of a formula |
FOR loop |
Forcing a Null value |
Forcing records to duplicate |
Format strings, parameters |
Topic |
Location |
Format strings, parameters |
Format strings, ToText function |
Formatting conditions based on parameters (v11-12) |
Formatting conditions based on parameters (v8-10) |
Formatting formulas |
Formula editor |
Formula fields in cross-tabs |
Formula workshop |
Formulas that return special characters or symbols |
Formulas that use parameters |
Formulas that use parameters |
Formulas used in group selection |
Formulas using grand totals |
Formulas using subtotals |
Formulas, can you do a TopN? |
Formulas, copying to another report |
Formulas, divide by zero error (how to prevent) |
Formulas, finding where they are being used in a report |
Formulas, finding where they are being used in a report |
Formulas, finding where used |
Formulas, finding where used |
Formulas, literal values |
Formulas, naming tips |
Formulas, return a null value |
Formulas, return a null value |
Formulas, used as group fields |
Formulas, used as group fields |
Fractions, converting from a decimal |
FROM clause, (tables and links used) |
FROM clause, used in filtering outer joins |
Full outer join |
Average |
Character |
Count |
CurrentColumnIndex |
CurrentDate |
CurrentRowIndex |
CurrentSummaryIndex |
Date |
DateAdd |
DateDiff |
Day |
Day |
DayOfWeek |
DayOfWeek |
DistinctCount |
DrillDownGroupLevel |
GetColumnGroupIndexOf |
GetIndexOf |
GetNumColumnGroups |
GetNumColumns |
GetNumRowGroups |
GetNumRows |
GetNumSummaries |
GetRowGroupIndexOf |
GetRowPathIndexOf |
GetTotalValueFor |
GridLabelAt |
GridRowColumnValue |
GridValueAt |
InRepeatedGroupHeaderr |
Topic |
Location |
Instr |
Join |
Left |
Length |
LowerCase |
Maximum |
Mid |
Minimum |
Mode |
Month |
MonthName |
Next |
Next |
Next |
Numeric |
OnFirstRecord |
OnLastRecord |
Previous |
Previous |
Previous |
Replace |
Right |
Round |
Split |
Sum |
Summary |
Summary |
Totext |
ToText |
ToText |
ToText |
Totext |
Truncate |
UpperCase |
Val |
WeekDayName |
Year |
Year |
Functions (date ranges) |
Functions, in SQL expressions |
Functions, in SQL expressions |
Functions, in SQL expressions |
Gaps in a sequence of numbers or dates (how to find) |
GetColumnGroupIndexOf |
GetIndexOf |
GetIndexOf |
GetIndexOf |
GetNumColumnGroups |
GetNumColumns |
GetNumRowGroups |
GetNumRows |
GetNumSummaries |
GetRowGroupIndexOf |
GetRowPathIndexOf |
GetRowPathIndexOf |
GetTotalValueFor |
Global variables |
Grand total of distinct count subtotals |
Grand total of distinct count subtotals |
Topic |
Location |
Grand totals |
Grand totals in formula fields |
Greater than join |
GridLabelAt |
GridRowColumnValue |
GridRowColumnValue |
GridValueAt |
Group based on a formula (why) |
Group based on a formula (why) |
Group based on a parameter |
Group based on parameter (v11-12) |
Group based on parameter (v8-10) |
GROUP BY clause, affected by formulas |
GROUP BY clause, in commands |
GROUP BY clause, perform grouping on server |
Group Cloaking (controlling the number of groups based on a |
parameter) |
Group criteria (groups that are missing a specific type of record) |
Group criteria (groups that are missing a specific type of record) |
Group criteria (select group when one record meets the criteria) |
Group criteria (select group when one record meets the criteria) |
Group Footer (page breaks that orphan sections) |
Group Footer (suppress on drill-down) |
Group Footer with at least one Detail |
Group Header with at least one Detail |
Group in the order that the multiple value parameter was entered |
Group name, customizing in cross-tabs |
Group selection formula |
Group selection formula |
Group selection formula, how to write |
Group selection vs. record selection: |
Group selection, adding rules |
Group Sorting (TopN), affect on cross-tabs |
Group sorting (TopN), within cross-tabs |
Group Sorting/TopN, version 8 and prior differences |
Grouping based on PrintTime values (v9 or later) |
Grouping into 2 week periods |
Grouping subtotals into ranges |
Grouping subtotals into ranges |
Grouping, affect on cross-tabs |
Grouping, continued from previous page |
Grouping, continued on next page” or "Continued from previous |
page" |
Grouping, number to show (the “N”) in a TopN report, based on a |
parameter |
Grouping, specified order in cross-tabs |
Grouping, starting on an odd page number |
Growing objects and keeping a section together |
Hanging indent, how to format a paragraph with a "hanging indent" |
Headings (suppress on the last page if there are no Details) |
Height of a section (set to a specific number) |
Hiding subreports |
Hierarchical grouping, how it relates to a Bill of Materials (BOM) |
Highlighting exceptions, based on user parameters (v11-12) |
Highlighting exceptions, based on user parameters (v8-10) |
Highlights alternate rows in a cross-tab |
Horizontal pages, cross-tabs |
HTML formatting within formulas |
Hump in formula processing |
Topic |
Location |
If then else |
If-then logic in totals |
IN |
IN operator |
Include others (group sort) |
Include ties (group sort) |
Index |
Index, auto sizing a dotted line between two columns |
Inflation, table inflation from one-to-many joins |
Inflator table, how to use |
Inner joins |
InRepeatedGroupHeaderr |
Instr |
Interactive parameters |
Interactive sort controls |
Is one of |
IsNull |
IsNull used with outer joins |
Join |
Join comparison types |
Join(), with multiple-value parameters |
Join(), with multiple-value parameters |
Joining tables |
Joins, an overview |
Joins, enforcing (v10 and later) |
Keep group together and Report Headers |
Keep Together (objects that can grow) |
Labeling each summary field in a single cross-tab row |
Labeling each summary field in a single cross-tab row |
Labels (forcing duplicates) |
Labels, how to use the mailing label wizard |
Last day of the month |
Last Monday in the month (or any DOW) |
Last page (suppress headings if there are no Details) |
Left |
Left outer join |
Length |
Less than join |
Like |
Line that grows based on a condition |
Linked subreports |
Linked subreports, automatic links |
Linking tables |
Linking tables with a one-to-many relationship |
List of values (LOV) (v11-12) |
List of values (LOV) (v8-10) |
List of Values, show chosen parameter values with their |
descriptions |
Literal date values |
Literal dates, in SQL syntax |
Literal strings, in SQL syntax |
Literal values |
Local variables |
Local variables |
Loop |
Topic |
Location |
LOV (list of values) (v11-12) |
LOV (list of values) (v8-10) |
LowerCase |
Mailing label duplicates (getting one label per group) |
Mailing label wizard, how to use |
Manual cross-tab |
Manual cross-tabs, using conditional totals |
Marking subreports |
Marking subreports |
Maximum |
Maximum |
Maximum function |
Maximum with range parameters |
Maximum with range parameters |
Median of an array (i.e. the median of a series of subtotals) |
Memo fields (substringing) |
Memo fields, how to format with a "hanging indent" |
Mid |
Minimum |
Minimum |
Minimum function |
Minimum with range parameters |
Minimum with range parameters |
Missing a value (select groups that are missing a specific type of |
record) |
Missing a value (select groups that are missing a specific type of |
record) |
Missing groups |
Missing groups |
Mode |
Modifying a cross-tab |
Modifying a SQL command |
Modifying alerts |
Modifying the auto-generated SQL (v8.5 and prior) |
Monday (finding the first in the month) |
Monday (finding the last) |
Mondays in a date range (how many) |
Month |
Month, finding the first and last day |
Monthly condition |
MonthName |
Most recent record only (selection) |
Moving a formula to another report |
Moving a value backwards in a report (wormhole) |
Moving objects to another report |
Multi-column reports (column breaks) |
Multi-level Bill of Materials (BOM), how to create |
Multiple assignments to variables |
Multiple copies of records or labels |
Multiple cross-tabs |
multiple or range values displayed (parameters) |
Multiple value parameters (v11-12) |
Multiple value parameters (v8-10) |
Multiple value parameters, sort or group in order entered |
Multiple values returned by SQL expressions |
Multiple-value parameters, how to display |
Multiple-value parameters, how to display |
Multi-value parameter in a command |
Topic |
Location |
Naming formulas (best practices) |
Nearest 5 cents (rounding) |
Negative numbers (rounding in the same direction) |
Nested if then else |
Next |
Next |
Next |
No data (workarounds) |
No data (workarounds) |
No data, prevent a chart line from dropping to zero at the end when |
there is no data |
No records found (printing the message) |
Not equal to join |
Notes fields, how to format with a "hanging indent" |
Null value, how to generate in a formula |
Null value, how to generate in a formula |
Null values |
Null values, as output |
Null values, selecting |
Null values, used with OR in selection formula |
Number of groups to show (the “N”) in a TopN report, based on a |
parameter |
Numbers that won’t align to the right |
Numeric functions |
Numeric operators |
ODBC connection (DSN) (select at runtime) |
Odd page numbers, groups that start on the odd page number |
On-demand subreports |
On-demand subreports, different drill-downs from one row of the |
report |
On-demand subreports, using saved data |
One-to-many joins (table inflation) |
OnFirstRecord |
OnLastRecord |
Open cases at beginning of period |
Opening balance |
Add |
Boolean |
Character |
concatenate |
Divide |
Exponent |
IN |
Like |
Multiply |
Numeric |
Power |
Startswith operator |
Subscript |
Substring |
Subtract |
OR (used with Null values in selection formula) |
Order (ascending or descending based on a parameter) |
ORDER BY clause (grouping and sorting) |
Orphaned Group Footers (page breaks that orphan sections) |
Orphaned Report Headers |
Outer join filtering, in commands |
Outer join filtering, why IsNull doesn't always work |
Outer joins |
Topic |
Location |
Outer joins, uses |
Page break after a specified number of rows |
Page break after Report Header |
Page breaks (orphaned sections) |
Page Header, running total errors |
Page Header, suppress headings if there are no Details |
Page Headers in subreports |
Page Headers in subreports |
Page numbers for cross-tabs placed in the Report Header |
Page numbers for cross-tabs placed in the Report Header |
Page numbers, force groups to start on the odd page number |
Page orientation, subreports |
Pair of records within 3 days of each other |
Paragraph with a "hanging indent" |
Parameters, (cascading) 3-level that duplicates/drops values (v11 or |
later) |
Parameters, (cascading) when two fields have the same name (v11 |
or later) |
Parameters, “All” option (v11-12) |
Parameters, “All” option (v8-10) |
Parameters, adding (v11-12) |
Parameters, adding (v8-10) |
Parameters, adding group levels with a parameter (group cloaking) |
Parameters, ascending or descending order based on a parameter |
Parameters, cascading (v11-12) |
Parameters, change database field |
Parameters, change join type |
Parameters, change tables |
Parameters, controlling groups (v11-12) |
Parameters, controlling groups (v8-10) |
Parameters, controlling the sort (v11-12) |
Parameters, controlling the sort (v8-10) |
Parameters, copying to another report |
Parameters, default values (v11-12) |
Parameters, default values (v8-10) |
Parameters, deleting group levels with a parameter (group cloaking) |
Parameters, display multiple or range values |
Parameters, dynamic (v11-12) |
Parameters, edit mask |
Parameters, edit mask |
Parameters, editable |
Parameters, finding where they are used in a report |
Parameters, finding where they are used in a report |
Parameters, finding where used |
Parameters, finding where used |
Parameters, for selecting records (v11-12) |
Parameters, for selecting records (v8-10) |
Parameters, format strings |
Parameters, format strings |
Parameters, group based on a parameter |
Parameters, group in the order that the multiple value parameter was |
entered |
Parameters, highlighting exceptions (v11-12) |
Parameters, highlighting exceptions (v8-10) |
Parameters, in SQL commands |
Parameters, in subreports |
Parameters, interactive |
Parameters, multiple value (v11-12) |
Parameters, multiple value (v8-10) |
Topic |
Location |
Parameters, number of groups to show (the “N”) in a TopN report, |
based on a parameter |
Parameters, ranges (v11-12) |
Parameters, ranges (v8-10) |
Parameters, response restrictions (v11-12) |
Parameters, response restrictions (v8-10) |
Parameters, running through a 'feeder' formula |
Parameters, set summary operation in a TopN report based on a |
parameter |
Parameters, show chosen parameter values with their descriptions |
Parameters, sort based on a parameter |
Parameters, sort in the order that the multiple value parameter was |
entered |
Parameters, sorting and grouping Prompt (v11-12) |
Parameters, sorting and grouping Prompt (v8-10) |
Parameters, static vs. dynamic (v11-12) |
Parameters, stored procedures |
Parameters, to control formatting conditions (v11-12) |
Parameters, to control formatting conditions (v8-10) |
Parameters, used in calculations (v11-12) |
Parameters, used in calculations (v8-10) |
Parameters, using value in a pie or bar chart |
Parameters, with alerts |
Parameters, with ALL option |
Passing a value from the subreport to the main report |
Passwords in reports |
Pasting literal values into formulas |
Percentages in cross-tabs |
Perform grouping on server - the GROUP BY clause |
Performance, when using commands can slow things down |
Pie chart, using a parameter value |
Pivoting a cross-tab |
Posix time (converting to datetime) |
Prevent a divide by zero error |
Previous |
Previous |
Previous |
Previous of a previous (i.e. for rolling averages) |
Printing the report file name, without the path |
PrintTime values (selecting, sorting or grouping on) |
Prior period balances |
Prompting for a title (v11-12) |
Prompting for a title (v8-10) |
QRY files, as a basis for a report |
QRY files, creating |
QRY files, with/without saved data |
Quarterly condition |
Quarters (fiscal) |
Random sample of records |
Range or multiple values displayed (parameters) |
Range parameters (v11-12) |
Range parameters (v8-10) |
Range parameters, how to display |
Range parameters, how to display |
Range variables |
Ranges of subtotals |
Ranges of subtotals |
Ranking groups using summary fields |
Topic |
Location |
Reading an external BMP file at runtime |
Record selection (only the most recent record in a group) |
Record selection formula |
Record selection formula |
Record selection vs. Group selection: |
Records ("no records found" message) |
Records (random sample) |
Records In one table but not in another (finding unmatched records) |
Recurring subreports |
Redim array |
Redim preserve |
Relative calculations, in cross-tabs |
Replace |
Report file name (print without the path) |
Report Footer (blank page at end of report) |
Report Header (by itself) |
Report Header (page numbers for cross-tabs) |
Report Header (page numbers for cross-tabs) |
Report processing model |
Report wizards, using the mailing label wizard |
Reporting on stored procedures |
Reporting on views |
Repository, storing commands |
Reset setting in running total fields |
Reset variables |
Reset variables |
Resources, SQL |
Response restrictions on parameters (v11-12) |
Response restrictions on parameters (v8-10) |
Right |
Right outer join |
Right-align (numbers that won’t align to the right) |
Rolling averages, (previous of a previous) |
Rolling months, using a cross-tab |
Rolling months, using a manual cross-tab |
Round function |
Round, to nearest 5 cents or other odd increment |
Rounding (positive and negative numbers in the same direction) |
Rows, adding to cross-tabs |
Running grand total |
Running grand total |
Running subtotal with variables |
Running subtotal with variables |
Running total fields |
Running Total Fields, version 8 and prior differences |
Running total formulas - the “old way” |
Running total formulas - the “old way” |
Running total of strings |
Running totals vs. conditional totals |
Running totals with conditions |
Running totals with variables |
Running totals with variables |
Running totals with variables in cross-tabs. |
Running totals with variables in cross-tabs. |
Running totals, automatic |
Running totals, creating |
Running totals, editing |
Running totals, eliminating duplicates |
Running totals, errors at the top of the page |
Running totals, once per group |
Running totals, once per group |
Running totals, using 'evaluate' |
Topic |
Location |
Running totals, using 'reset' |
Runtime, selecting an ODBC Connection (DSN) |
Sample (random) |
Saved data selection formula |
Saved data selection formula |
Saved data, on-demand subreports that can use saved data |
Scope of a variable |
Seconds since 1970 (converting to datetime) |
Section (conditionally suppress Details and still allow for |
drill-down) |
Section (disabling drill-down) |
Section (page break after a specified number of rows) |
Section colors, fading gradually down the page |
Section height (set to a specific number) |
Sections (getting them to be the same height) |
Sections that can contain cross-tabs |
Security, (passwords on a report) |
Security, setting an expiration date for a report |
Select / Case |
SELECT clause (fields used) |
Select expert, affect on cross-tabs |
Selecting (only the most recent record in a group) |
Selecting duplicate records |
Selecting null values |
Selecting records (a pair of records within 3 days of each other) |
Selecting records using parameters (v11-12) |
Selecting records using parameters (v8-10) |
Selecting, based on PrintTime values (v9 or later) |
Selection criteria, specific combination of records |
Selection criteria, using OR with null values |
Selection formula |
Selection formula |
Selection formula, groups that are missing a specific type of record |
Selection formula, groups that are missing a specific type of record |
Selection formula, select entire group when one record meets the |
criteria |
Selection formula, select entire group when one record meets the |
criteria |
Selection using a summary field |
Semicolons with variables |
Shared variables |
Shared variables, from the prior subreport |
Shared variables, passing a value from the subreport to the main |
report |
Shared variables, repeated when a subreport is blank |
Shared variables, repeated when a subreport is blank |
Shared variables, subreport picks up the wrong value, from the prior |
subreport |
Shared variables, totaling |
Shifting the design screen view |
Show SQL query |
Slow reports, when using commands can slow things down |
Smart linking |
Sort based on a parameter |
Sort based on parameter (v11-12) |
Sort based on parameter (v8-10) |
Sort controls, interactive |
Sort in the order that the multiple value parameter was entered |
Sorting, affect on cross-tabs |
Topic |
Location |
Sorting, based on PrintTime values (v9 or later) |
Spaces in table/field names, in SQL syntax |
Special characters (from formulas) |
Specified order grouping, in cross-tabs |
Split |
Spreadsheet data, how to read with Crystal Reports |
SQL commands, an overview |
SQL commands, creating |
SQL commands, for dynamic parameters (v11-12) |
SQL commands, modifying |
SQL commands, multi-value parameters |
SQL commands, parameters |
SQL commands, the down side |
SQL designer (v8.5 and prior) |
SQL expressions, aliases |
SQL expressions, an overview |
SQL expressions, returning multiple values |
SQL expressions, using functions |
SQL expressions, using unlisted functions |
SQL expressions, with memo fields in v8.5 |
SQL expressions, with subqueries |
SQL modifications (v8.5 and prior) |
SQL resources |
SQL syntax, concatenate |
SQL syntax, literal dates |
SQL syntax, literal strings |
SQL syntax, spaces in field and table names |
SQL, an overview |
SQL, changing the report's auto-generated SQL |
SQL, writing your own SQL |
Square brackets |
Square brackets |
Startswith operator |
Stealth subreport - it runs but is invisible |
Stealth subreport - it runs but is invisible |
Stored procedures, making visible |
Stored procedures, parameters |
Stored procedures, reporting on |
Stored procedures, reporting on |
Storing values to an array |
Subqueries within SQL expressions |
Subreport links, automatic |
Subreport values, selecting, sorting or grouping on |
Subreport values, totaling |
Subreports (on-demand) that can use saved data |
Subreports and Page Headers |
Subreports, adding |
Subreports, editing |
Subreports, finding |
Subreports, finding or listing |
Subreports, how to show a wide cross-tab |
Subreports, invisible |
Subreports, invisible (stealth) |
Subreports, linked |
Subreports, marking |
Subreports, marking |
Subreports, on demand (different drill-downs from one row of the |
report) |
Subreports, on-demand |
Subreports, page headers |
Subreports, page orientation |
Subreports, parameters |
Topic |
Location |
Subreports, recurring |
Subreports, repeating shared variables |
Subreports, shared variables from prior subreport |
Subreports, shared variables off by one subreport |
Subreports, shared variables repeating |
Subreports, totaling a recurring subreport |
Subreports, unlinked |
Subreports, using a subreport value before the subreport appears |
Subreports, values to main report |
Subscript operator |
Substring operator |
Subtotal conditions |
Subtotal conditions |
Subtotals |
Subtotals, copying objects within a report |
Subtotals, finding the median of a series of subtotals |
Subtotals, grouping into ranges |
Subtotals, grouping into ranges |
Subtotals, in formulas |
Sum (distinct) |
Sum function |
Average |
Count |
DistinctCount |
Maximum |
Minimum |
Sum |
Summarizing array variables |
Summary fields, adding |
Summary fields, copying objects within a report |
Summary fields, Editing |
Summary fields, for ranking groups |
Summary fields, ranking groups (TopN) |
Summary fields, totaling summary fields |
Summary fields, version 8 and prior differences |
Summary functions |
Summary functions, across detail rows |
Summary functions, across totals |
Summary functions, in calculations |
Summary functions, in filters |
Summary functions, in selection formulas |
Summary operation in a TopN report based on a parameter |
Summary vs. Detail, based on parameters (v11-12) |
Summary vs. Detail, based on parameters (v8-10) |
Suppress headings on the last page if there are no Details |
Suppressing vertical lines, based on a condition |
Symbols, like check marks (from formulas) |
Table inflation |
Table inflation (using it to your advantage) |
Table of contents |
Table of contents, auto sizing a dotted line between two columns |
Text export, doing a fixed length text export (v9 or later) |
Text formatting, changing within a formula |
Then |
Three formula technique |
Three formula technique |
Time format, show cross-tab totals as formatted time ( 03:25 ) |
Title parameter (v11-12) |
Title parameter (v8-10) |
Topic |
Location |
Titles on cross-tabs that spills onto virtual pages |
Titles on cross-tabs that spills onto virtual pages |
TOC, auto sizing a dotted line between two columns |
Today’s date |
TopN (group sorting) |
TopN, in cross-tabs |
TopN, number of groups to show (the “N”) based on a parameter |
TopN, set summary operation based on a parameter |
TopN, show both TopN and BottomN |
TopN, using a formula |
TopN, using formulas |
Total of shared variables |
Total of shared variables |
Total of subreport values |
Total text of a cross-tab (embed a field) |
Total text of a cross-tab (embed a field) |
Totaling formulas |
Totals (conditional) |
Totals, copying objects within a report |
Totals, in formula fields |
Totals, of formulas |
Totals, of if-then formulas |
Totals, of subreports |
Totals, of totals |
Totals, show cross-tab totals as formatted time ( 03:25 ) |
Totals, with criteria |
Totext |
ToText |
ToText |
ToText |
Totext |
Totext function |
Triggered alerts |
Truncate function |
Two criteria for different records |
Two-week periods |
Underlay with subreports (using a subreport value before the |
subreport appears) |
UNION queries, in commands |
UNION queries, v8.5 and prior |
Unix time (converting to datetime) |
Unlinked subreports |
Unmatched records between tables (in table A but not in table B) |
UpperCase |
UTC (converting to datetime) |
Val |
Variable, declaration |
Variable, display |
Variable, names |
Variable, ranges and arrays |
Variables |
Variables, accumulation |
Variables, accumulation |
Variables, multiple assignments |
Variables, once per group. |
Variables, once per group. |
Variables, reset |
Topic |
Location |
Variables, reset |
Variables, running subtotal |
Variables, running subtotal |
Variables, running totals |
Variables, running totals |
Variables, running totals at the top of a page |
Variables, scope |
Variables, shared |
Variables, shared repeating |
Variables, syntax |
Variables, using in cross-tab cells |
Variables, using in cross-tab cells |
Vertical lines, suppressing vertical lines based on a condition |
Viewing alerts |
Views, making visible |
Views, reporting on |
Views, reporting on |
Virtual pages, adding titles |
Virtual pages, adding titles |
Virtual pages, cross-tabs |
Weekday (finding the first in the month) |
Weekday (finding the last in the month) |
Weekday (how many Mondays or any day) |
WeekDayName |
Weekly condition |
WHERE clause (record selection) |
Where used (finding where they are being used in a report) |
Where used (finding where they are being used in a report) |
WHILE loop |
WhilePrintingRecords |
WhilePrintingRecords |
WhileReadingRecords |
Why can't I total this formula? |
Wide cross-tab, how to make a subreport show a wide cross-tab |
Wide reports, how to expand the design area |
Workbooks (Excel), how to read with Crystal Reports |
Wormhole technique for moving a value backwards in a report |
x-2 buttons for conditional formatting |
Year |
Year |
Year (fiscal) |
Year to date (fiscal) |
YearToDate (date range functions) |
Zeros with chart lines, prevent from dropping to zero at the end |
when there is no data |
Zeros, forcing them to appear |
Zeros, forcing them to appear |